Monday, April 5, 2010

Jurar a bandeira em Inglês

Abaixo segue um email que enviei para uma professora no passado, perguntando como podemos jurar a bandeira em Inglês :D. Nele, temos a resposta e um apontamento para tal informação no dicionário Cambridge Online:


Hello Renata, how've you been?

I've come to proudly announce the discovery of the major breakthrough of my career as an English learner, haha!

Reading over a BBC web page on North Korea and looking up words in the Cambridge Dictionary, I've just found something which prompted me to ask you a question in class last term, the translation of "jurar a bandeira", do you remember? Then in additing to your research, you forwarded my question to other people, also native speakers so as to find an equivalent to it in English.
Unfortunately, you didn't find a proper answer, even a native person could tell you that, but I've just done otherwise.

The way to say that is: "to pledge allegiance to the flag" :-). You can find the entry on this web page:

Perhaps, the verb "to swear" suits here!

May you have a soomth day!


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