Saturday, April 24, 2010

REVIEW: In the digital world, we trade privacy for convenience

My review on a CNN article:

Well, it really seems that the Internet has come to stay, absolutely. Such has it permeated our lives that it is impossible to consider, at least in medium-to-large cities worldwide, people doing without it.

Convenience, we have reached a point of no return. Today, we can perform our bank transactions online, leveraging the safety of not putting yourself at risk, threatened by robbers in the streets. Nevertheless, that is certainly a trade-off since you are at risk if you do not know how to safely use the Internet, such as giving out sensitive data or utilizing suspicious web sites and applications, which are aimed at steeling your data for malicious use afterward.

Elaborating on the safety matter, is it conceivable the idea of leading a private life when you have been observed whenever and wherever you go? Undoubtedly, to track down society evils, that should be perfect. However, shall we be reminded of it and consider such a lack of privacy as ultimately beneficial? I do think the answer varies considerably, some citizens prefer the constant eye on them as a means to feel safe, whereas others might just as well accept their lack of private conduct, rendering the matter rather controversial.

Perhaps it is a must to trade privacy for convenience, to have people choose on their own, how to keep a balance between them.

Speaking the truth, nothing in life is thoroughly beneficial; neither is it otherwise. Given the current paved avenues for us, in the online world, we ought to be directed on how to go through such boulevards of information, such as being born in a new world packed with things to learn and experience. There is no other way around in the modern world; come what may, live and learn, the online world exists, open up your eyes to its hazards and benefits.


Information Technology vs Humanities FOR ME

After running the gamut of Information Technology for quite some time, I acknowledge, I am able to draw conclusions about the area.

Currently involved with Humanities, the contrast between it and my former area of involvement is clearly evident. People are different, they think alike, they pursue different goals, behave uniquely, and each part faces the world in an one and only way.

Few are the ones working with IT that put hearts in it. Do they mind? The vast majority just concerns the money they are paid. Alike it, the peoples of Humanities do mind about personal satisfaction and helping out the fellow men.

Naturally, I am talking about the majority, not the isolated cases. Based upon this, I have observed the following thus far:

  • A few IT students enter for such superior courses claiming liking to be the motive
  • An amount of students guided by their liking change their minds later, ultimately even getting literally fed up with the area
  • A fair number enroll considering the amount of openings in the market and the dreamed high salaries
  • Technicians at technical support companies usually swear at customers (talking behind their backs, with the phone on mute), helping them out just because it is an obligation and they want money at the end of the month
  • They are not very often concerned about customer’s reactions, emotions, etc.
  • I have once worked with a Microsoft engineer over the phone, he was in the US and we were working remotely, assisting a customer. He emphatically told me “It does not matter what the customer says or feels, let’s focus exclusively on the problem.”
  • There are lots of idiots and silly boys who boast themselves for the knowledge they have
  • The number of men in the area is far much higher than women
  • Working hours may be extended to huge amounts sometimes, or almost every day
  • Trading pleasure for money becomes natural for a number of professionals
  • When attending technical courses, sometimes aimed at certificates examinations preparation, it is second nature to see supposed comrades exclusively minding their own business, treating you as an opponent, not sharing knowledge in class, despite the fact that in most cases friendship is never fostered. After the class is finished, they take their ways home and that’s all. What it is common to verify is people creating networks of contacts, asking classmates contact information just in case they need a job later
  • Etc.

At least, they help one another at the advent of jog hunting, possibly indicating you to a company which is hiring new professionals

Now talking about the other side of the equation, even though I have not gone through the same number of years in the area, I think I can cite my current perception:

  • In the classroom, you rapidly see how people are united. It does seem you are in a classroom at a school, not in a training center room
  • The atmosphere in the classroom is warm, there is no sense of competition relatively speaking
  • Typical of Humanities, there are lots of different results for a question, that is, different answers to the same question, as opposed to IT where there has to be one root cause only (we enforce that to be)
  • Learning and teaching is often well balanced, sharing of knowledge is much more common
  • The number of women is far higher
  • It is more usual to see professionals putting their hearts in what they do
  • The focus is not a technical aspect, rather, human shortcomings, mankind abilities improvement, courage boost, etc.
  • When teaching is involved, it is not rare to see professionals enjoying what they do, not giving too much emphasis on money
  • The number of openings in the market is not as high, as well as the number of applicants too, to keep the balance
  • There are more comrades and less opponents
  • Etc.

In which of those areas do I make myself at home? Today, I do think Humanities!

Back at age 22, when I first had contact with Buddhism, I realized I had interest in something different. At that time, I was studying Physics, Mathematics, etc., I had been considering being a Scientist, attending Physics at University, till the moment I came to know Buddhism and I first noticed something I had been terribly failing to manage.

Even though I was more and more aware of the nature laws, understanding how it works and why things are the way we see, such comprehension would never be a solution to a more immediate problem I had, always bringing on disgust and apprehension inside. I then inquired myself: “What is it in it? What is the point in being able to thoroughly comprehend nature if I am a complete ignorant about myself, my own being?”

Out of the blue, Physics turned into something obscure that would not lead me to where I needed to reach whatsoever. Giving that breakthrough, I promptly changed to study IT since I had been working with it for some time.

At snail speed, though, I gradually was getting the grasp of my interest in personal matters rather than technical ones. I concluded that IT knowledge could give me money only, recycling knowledge constantly to keep up with the market speed, that is, frequently learning new things whose utilization is already fated to be forgotten some time later. On the other hand, Humanities:

  • Teach you something for life
  • Unite people (relatively speaking)

Apart from the monthly salary, there are extra gains:

  • New life experiences
  • Acquisition of new points of view about the world and mankind
  • New realizations of truths
  • Satisfaction for truly helping your fellow men
  • Encouragement to the ones in need
  • An unlimited number of answers to choose from
  • Etc.

When it comes to Literature, there is no limit to hinder you, everything is possible. Messages can be conveyed whether directly or indirectly, there are lots of ways to express yourself, a need of mine and, according to my view, a need of lots of people who are unable to do it, miss such an ability, and may end up feeling a great pleasure for succeeding in it.

I just particularly disagree with some guys’ attitude that completely forget about reasoning. They go into the Literature world aimed at dreams rather than reality. I know that Literature discusses the existence of reality, raising questions upon its real existence as we conceive it, what is particularly great to widen our perception. However, some people appear to consider their uniqueness of feelings as absolute, living locked in their own world and rejecting the existence of the world outside. I meant uniqueness of feelings because I do not see much reasoning in certain attitudes.

Literature is seen as a means to humanize the world, the nature, the inanimate things, as I have captured from my classes. Nevertheless, reasoning and feelings must walk side-by side, hand-in-hand. In my viewpoint, sticking exclusively to one of them leads us to incomplete and inaccurate views of life.

In Buddhism I have learned to question reality and the general accepted truth, what has some commonalities with Literature. However, reasoning is kept. There is an attempt to ultimately get rid of reasoning, to surpass and go beyond mind limitations, what sounds perfectly fine to me. As we can see, emotions never take control. Emotions have no direction, it is like a shot that you never know the target and the consequences, discipline is dismantled and you just try to be unreasonably and misguidedly happy, immersed in carefreeness. That is definitely not the path I assume for me.

In the end, I think I have gone through different experiences that culminate in a somewhat open mind to the new, recognition that truth is completely relative and thus subjected to discussion. In Humanities I am closer to analyze life and my own being than working with IT. Additionally, I feel as though I am really able to help out people with their needs, one of the things that make sense to me in this world. Regarding that one source of pleasure of mine is self-assimilation, I reckon now I am able to blend pleasure and necessity, learning and money. I am going to continue to be analytical, diligent, fond of argumentation and seeking thorough understanding.

As time goes by, fortunately, I fills the gap within; it is an everlasting process and come what may I shall carry on with zeal toward the now intangible, in search of the unknown, the hidden, the actual obscure, current nebulous, as long as light is seen at the end of the tunnel of life, the sign of enlightenment that shines brightly through the dark world and penetrates this very being. This little but potential sign calls me on to join eventually, to join in union with the nature, the universe, dissolving the barrier between the inner and the outer light, mixing up and becoming one single beam, realizing reality as Buddha has done.

I think I have come a little closer :]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Useful language

Giving personal views:
  • I'm (not) the kind of person who ...
  • One thing I'm good at is ...
  • One of my worst faults is that I (never) ...
  • I feel pretty happy about my ...
  • For me, I (don't) feel ... is very important/useful
  • Personally, I'd like to concentrate on ...
  • Frankly speaking, I (quite) disagree because ...
  • To some extent, I agree with that. However ...
  • As a matter of fact, I wanted to convey that ...
Explaining your targets:
  • My main aim is to ...
  • ... is one of my main priorities because of ...
  • Another important matter for me is ...
  • So for that reason, I'm aiming to ...
  • Another thing I thought might be a good idea is to ...
  • I'd find it really useful to look at ...
  • My goal is to achieve success in/as ...
  • Absolutely, my objective in life is to attain ...
  • It'll be a great realization to me to ...
Thanks again to Cutting Edge by Longman. A small number of phrases were added by me, I hope you find it useful.


Introducing points in an argument

Leveraging the Cutting Edge book by Longman, we have some phrases below that aids to make ourselves more formal and appropriate when expressing arguments:

One important
Another (important)
The most important
The second
A further
The main
point to consider
is that...
would be that...
might be that...

I hope you enjoy it :)

CURIOSITY: Did you know ...?

1) There are far more non-native speakers of English in the world today than native speakers. About 350 million speak it as their mother tongue, whereas it is thought that around 1.5 billion speak it as a second or foreign language.

2) It is believed that around 80% of the data on the world’s computers is stored in English.

3) It has been estimated that about 20,000 English words spread into other languages every year.

4) Special simplified forms of English exist to help various professions to communicate internationally, for example ‘air-speak’ for pilots and air-traffic controllers; ‘police-speak’ to help deal with international crime, and ‘doctor-speak’ to simplify communication between doctors.

5) The grammar and vocabulary used by native speakers varies a lot, even in the UK. In some local accents people say ‘we was’ or ‘they was’; a few kilometers away, they say ‘he were’ and ‘she were’.

6) Modern British people probably wouldn’t have been able to understand the English spoken in Shakespeare’s time. Many words had different meanings, for example, ‘nice’ meant ‘foolish’ in the sixteenth century.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jurar a bandeira em Inglês

Abaixo segue um email que enviei para uma professora no passado, perguntando como podemos jurar a bandeira em Inglês :D. Nele, temos a resposta e um apontamento para tal informação no dicionário Cambridge Online:


Hello Renata, how've you been?

I've come to proudly announce the discovery of the major breakthrough of my career as an English learner, haha!

Reading over a BBC web page on North Korea and looking up words in the Cambridge Dictionary, I've just found something which prompted me to ask you a question in class last term, the translation of "jurar a bandeira", do you remember? Then in additing to your research, you forwarded my question to other people, also native speakers so as to find an equivalent to it in English.
Unfortunately, you didn't find a proper answer, even a native person could tell you that, but I've just done otherwise.

The way to say that is: "to pledge allegiance to the flag" :-). You can find the entry on this web page:

Perhaps, the verb "to swear" suits here!

May you have a soomth day!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

DEFINITION: Palavra, frase, oração, período

Mais uma vez, de acordo com a apostila do professor Joacyr da FMU, que utilizamos em curso:


1) Palavra:

Uma palavra ou vocábulo é uma unidade da linguagem falada ou escrita. As palavras podem ser combinadas para criar frases.

Conceitualmente a palavra é um conjunto de morfemas. No entanto, não é fácil definir o conceito de palavra. Na língua escrita é fácil demonstrar o que é uma palavra. Em muitos sistemas de escrita, uma palavra em um texto é delimitada por espaços em ambos os lados. Alguns idiomas, como o amárico[1] usam divisores de palavras, ao passo que outras, como o sânscrito, não separa as palavras na escrita. Em antigos manuscritos em latim e em japonês, o uso de delimitadores de palavra é optativo.

Nas línguas fusionais[2], uma única palavra (por exemplo, love "amar") pode assumir diferentes formas (loves "ele/ela ama", loving "amando" e loved "amado/a"). No entanto, essas formas não são consideradas palavras diferentes, e sim, diferentes formas de uma mesma palavra. Nessa categoria de idiomas, considera-se as palavras como formadas por uma união de vários morfemas (love+s).

2) Frase:

Frase é todo enunciado linguístico capaz de transmitir uma ideia. A frase é uma palavra ou conjunto de palavras que constitui um enunciado de sentido completo.

A frase não vem necessariamente acompanhada por um sujeito, verbo ou predicado. Por exemplo: «Cuidado!» é uma frase, pois transmite uma ideia - a ideia de ter cuidado ou ficar atento - mas não há verbo, sujeito ou predicado.

A frase se define pelo propósito de comunicação, e não pela sua extensão. O conceito de frase, portanto, abrange desde estruturas linguísticas muito simples até enunciados bastante complexos.

3) Oração:

Oração é todo enunciado linguístico que se estrutura ao redor de um verbo, apresentando, desta maneira e na maioria das vezes, "termos essenciais da oração, sujeito e predicado".


As crianças felizes brincavam animadamente no quintal daquela pequena e humilde casa azul-marinho.

The happy children played joyfully in the backyard of that little and humble dark blue house.

O que caracteriza a oração é o verbo.

4) Período:

O período é uma frase que possui uma ou mais orações, podendo ser:

a. Simples: Quando constituído de uma só oração.


Os alunos compraram o novo dicionário.

The students bought the new dictionary.

b. Composto: Quando é constituído de duas ou mais orações.


Embora seja importante retomar o que já foi estudado, hoje não faremos uma revisão do assunto que foi discutido na aula passada, pois todos os alunos entenderam os pontos mais importantes.

Although it is important to resume to what has been studied, today we will not review the topic that was discussed last class. The most important points are clear to everyone.

Os períodos compostos são formados por coordenação, por subordinação ou por ambas as formas.

[1]A língua amárica é uma língua semítica, como o árabe e o hebreu, e é o idioma oficial da Etiópia, com cerca de 26 milhões de falantes nativos. Não se deve confundir o amárico com o aramaico, língua morta falada em partes do Oriente Médio na época de Jesus Cristo, embora ambas sejam línguas de origem semítica.

[2] Fusionais são línguas que, por vezes, combinam afixos “espremendo-os” juntos, com freqüência mudando-os drasticamente nesse processo, e associando vários significados a um afixo (por exemplo, na palavra portuguesa “comi”, o sufixo “i” carrega os significados de modo gramatical, voz ativa, pretérito, sujeito da primeira pessoa do singular e aspecto gramatical.

DEFINITION: Tipos de Tradução

Também, segundo a apostila do professor Joacyr da FMU que utilizamos:


Jakobson (1992) afirma que temos três diferentes maneiras de interpretar o signo verbal. Ele pode ser traduzido em outros signos da mesma língua, em outra língua, ou em outro sistema de símbolos não verbal. Esses três tipos de tradução podem ser: a tradução intralingual, que é uma interpretação de signos verbais por meio de outros signos da mesma língua; a tradução interlingual, que é a interpretação de signos verbais por meio de alguma outra língua e a tradução intersemiótica, que é uma interpretação de signos verbais por meio de um sistema de signos não verbais.

A tradução intralingual de uma palavra, dentro de uma mesma língua, usa tanto uma outra palavra como outros recursos mais ou menos sinônimos, para uma circunlocução. Uma palavra ou expressão idiomática só pode ser completamente interpretada por meio de uma combinação equivalente de unidades de códigos. Já, no nível da tradução interlingual, não há equivalência completa entre códigos, as mensagens podem servir como interpretações adequadas de códigos ou mensagens estrangeiras.


Em poucas palavras, vejo da seguinte maneira:

  • Tradução Intralingual: é o uso do dicionário monolíngue, obtendo o significado de uma palavra desconhecida dentro do próprio idioma, fazendo assim a sua tradução intralingual;
  • Tradução Interlingual: é o uso dicionário bilíngue, obtendo o significado de uma palavra desconhecida dentro de outro idioma, fazendo assim a sua tradução interlingual;
  • Tradução Intersemiótica: é a tradução realizada, por exemplo, por um analfabeto. Ele não reconhece o signifcado da palavra escrita, mas basta mostrar o objeto representado por tal palavra e então o significado vem até ele neste processo chamado de tradução intersemiótica.
De forma bem simples, signo verbal nada mais é do que as palavras em si, relacionadas à uma idéia, ou seja, ao seu conteúdo semântico.



De acordo com a apostila do professor Joacyr da FMU que utilizamos:


O que é a profissão da tradução? Muitas vezes a atividade de tradução é confundida com a de interpretação, porém, apesar das duas estarem no mesmo ramo de atividade, há um diferença fundamental. O tradutor trabalha com textos escritos. Esse profissional traduz romances, manuais, cartas, instruções, falas de vídeos para legendagens e dublagens, websites etc. O intérprete, por sua vez, traduz mensagens orais. Esse profissional ouve o que um palestrante ou orador diz em sua língua e em seguida traduz oralmente para outra língua que pode ou não ser sua língua nativa.

A atividade de tradução pode ser dividida em científica, informativa e literária. Dependendo do tipo de texto e da área científica, pode-se exigir do tradutor determinados conhecimentos técnicos, como, por exemplo, medicina, engenharia, informática etc. Na área informativa o tradutor pode ter que se familiarizar com os termos usados em normas e procedimentos ou estar a par do que está acontecendo no mundo para uma boa tradução jornalística. Na tradução literária o tradutor deve se interar dos aspectos culturais e estilísticos da obra em questão.

Tradução é o processo de se interpretar o texto na língua original, a língua de partida (LP) e reproduzir (transcodificar, transferir, passar, reconstruir) em outra língua, a língua de chegada (LC), o mesmo significado. A tradução é uma transformação da forma e conteúdo, onde o conhecimento do assunto muitas vezes é muito mais importante que o conhecimento do idioma. Isso quer dizer que o fato de alguém falar muito bem o seu idioma nativo e um idioma estrangeiro não o qualifica como tradutor. Traduzir é uma habilidade que se desenvolve com a prática. A tradução é como um esporte: só se atinge a excelência por meio de muita prática e dedicação.

Quem desconhece o processo de tradução quase sempre trata o tradutor como mero conhecedor de dois ou mais idiomas. Traduzir vai além disso. Há um famoso jogo de palavras em italiano que diz "Traduttore, Traditore", cuja tradução é "Tradutor, traidor".

Tradicionalmente, a tradução sempre foi uma atividade humana, embora haja tentativas de se automatizar e informatizar a tradução de textos em língua natural — tradução automática — ou usar computadores em auxílio à tradução (Tradutores on-line).

Liberty vs Freedom

To native speakers it may sound natural when to choose whether “liberty” or “freedom”, but to foreign learners of the language, they may not know the context in which they should be present, the to-us-subtle difference in meaning.

As per the Oxford dictionary:


noun ( pl. -ties)

1 the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views : compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty.

• (usu. liberties) an instance of this; a right or privilege, esp. a statutory one : the Bill of Rights was intended to secure basic civil liberties.
• the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved : people who have lost property or liberty without due process.
• ( Liberty) the personification of liberty as a female figure.

2 the power or scope to act as one pleases : individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences.

• Philosophy a person's freedom from control by fate or necessity.
• informal a presumptuous remark or action : how did he know what she was thinking?—it was a liberty!
• Nautical shore leave granted to a sailor.



the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint : we do have some freedom of choice | he talks of revoking some of the freedoms. See note at liberty.

• absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government : he was a champion of Irish freedom.
• the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved : the shark thrashed its way to freedom.
• the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily : the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement.
• ( freedom from) the state of not being subject to or affected by (a particular undesirable thing) : government policies to achieve freedom from want.
• the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity.
• unrestricted use of something : the dog is happy having the freedom of the house when we are out.
archaic familiarity or openness in speech or behavior.


In a nutshell, to my perception, liberty sounds more formal than freedom, besides freedom being the option used in the general sense of the idea, reserving liberty for restrictions imposed by authorities, such as rules and guidelines issued by country authorities to be followed that turn out to be hindrances of a given type, causing people oppression so as to keep them from the right to express themselves or do otherwise what’s formally stated by authorities.

Freedom may also be used in the physical context, when you are unable to move or being in a restricted situation of a given kind, as well as being not imprisoned.

Example: “He was condemned to rotter in prison through the freedom from him taken as a punishment for not accepting the liberty restrictions imposed when we was caught nude in the streets.


Technical vocabulary professionally dealt with as a Translator

Hey all,

Once again, aimed at bringing influence to bear on my resume only, he it comes a sample of the type of vocabulary I used to deal with working as a Translator / Interpreter for the Microsoft Brazilian technical support.


Sir Tanoz, how are you doing?

I’ve come herein with the translation you have requested me to do, so as to facilitate the preparation of your action plan.

Well, the basis of the problem lies in the fact that, for an unknown reason, there are some data (objects) which are not removed automatically from the memory when they are expected for so. In order to solve the problem at the moment it arises (not permanently though), the customer removes those data manually by pressing in the screen output below. The problem of doing that manually is that the application he uses in his company (a Computer Telephone Integration Windows Service) has to stop and therefore stopping the company’s production as well, what is undesirable. So, as expected by the customer from the application, the task has to be accomplished automatically, so preventing the company from being stopped for a while all the time the issue comes up.

(Unfortunately, I could not make it more visible than this)

When the process takes place automatically, there is no need to hit to go from the Object Creation to the Object Destruction, they happen one after the other without any person’s intervention.

I shall follow up the description with the answers of your two questions:

1) How is the customer removing the data from the memory?

a. As stated previously, he does that manually by hitting on the screen above. In addition to that, he has to alter (an adaptation) the code of his application to the following characteristics: it is normally used more than one application domain for the system to fulfill its duties. However, the customer has been rewriting the code so as to use only one application domain, having all the objects directed to this single one. By doing so, the system acts as expected not staying with allocated memory for objects anymore, but that does not meet the customer’s needs, since he needs to use more than one application domains.

b. Forcefully, there is another way for doing that, a severe attitude towards the system, which will be fully explained below.

2) How is he passing the object?

a. From an application domain, an MBR object is passed ahead as a parameter of a method under a proxy to another application domain. Further information about the proxy: it’s a transparent proxy generated automatically by the infrastructure of the .NET Remoting.

i. Are the application domains created in the same application space? Yes, they are.

ii. Is there any reference which is maintained in the new application domain when is comes from the old application domain (when transferring objects from the first to the second application domain)? No, there isn’t any reference maintained.

Reading through the Microsoft news, the customer has found some information that might be related to the issue and of utter importance for your analysis. You can have access to it at:
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.clr (this is the group discussion to head for)
description found: object not collected by GC (garbage collection)

The customer does believe that the issue is connected with the CLR (a runtime issue) and he emphasizes that this problem in unconnected with ASP, since it relates to Windows Service, only. Moreover, this Windows Service loads dynamically some assemblies in different application domains. As it is used an intermediate layer, client applications produced by .NET. have the connection between the Windows Service themselves established by the .NET Remoting.

Now I’ll provide you the ins and outs of the system, how it works since the beginning, until the unexpected behavior faced by the customer:

There are five created projects: four class libraries and one console application. Regarding the Object Request, when this type of object is created, a message informs “object created”, and when this sort of object is destroyed, there is another message that informs “object destroyed”. This is the normal procedure. The class library “linkerapp” is responsible for the creation of one application domain and loads the assemblies into it. When the console application is executed, the activation of the class library “linkerapp” occurs, followed by the class library “generator” and ultimately by the class library “processor”. When the later is activated, Object Requests are created and then transferred to the class library “processor”. The occurrence of this process is enough for having the memory allocated for objects which remain locked in the memory. To expand on the description, the use of the GB (Garbage Collection) does not remove the objects from the memory. Having said that, the only way the customer finds to remove the data from the memory forcefully is unloading manually the application domain which has generated the objects at issue. By doing so, the memory ends up released from the data. Nevertheless, as this procedure is taken in a pinch, it triggers the undesirable stoppage of the application. To reproduce the problem, it’s enough to run the hostapp so that you can face what the customer does.

3) How does the customer know that the data is stuck in the memory?

a. The very straightforward way to notice that is because the customer is normally informed that the objects are generated and destroyed. Since he hasn’t been notified of any object destruction, he infers that there’s been nothing being destroyed over some time.

b. The customer has also installed a tool named “aqtime” produced by the company “automatedga” which informs the names of two objects at issue. They are: stackbuildersink and serveridentity. The customer does believe that these two objects trigger the current issue. Additionally, the tool also reveals that the Object Requests at issue are made reference by two other objects that belong to the infrastructure of the .NET Remoting.

By changing the code appropriately, the customer begins to use the application domain default, which uses one single application domain rather than two as the customer needs.

To sum up, data stuck in the memory has to be removed automatically (generated and destroyed like this) instead of manually as the customer has been doing, so as to avoid the company to be waiting on the customer’s intervention.

If you have further question, let me know, I’ll answer them according to my possibilities.

Concerning the working sample you told me, I unfortunately do not have any files. Everything I got from the customer was also forwarded to you.

The customer can be reached tomorrow from 9:30am to 6:00pm (Brazil time | GMT – 3). He’ll be waiting for your callback as agreed between us.

I hope this description is precisely what you need to follow up and set your action plan. May you have a good labor time. Take care!

MarcoS, Brazilian Technical Router – Customer Service Enterprise