Friday, January 31, 2014

Feedback sobre el libro Guia de Marketing en Facebook

Acabo de leer un corto libro sobre cómo lograr éxito de Marketing en la plataforma Facebook, y vengo a dar mis impresiones sobre el libro, éste: Guia de Marketing en Facebook.




Este libro poco explica para aquellos que ya tienen a su página de Facebook y sabes utilizarla.

Yo tengo mi página, no soy profesional de Marketing, pero mucho de lo que el libro aporta yo he aprendido solo. Hay oportunidades en la lectura donde pienso que el autor buscó lo que escribió en la sección de ayuda de Facebook y lo parafraseó para crear su libro, dándome la impresión de que no sería necesario comprarlo. Sin embargo, ha añadido algún valor, tiene informaciones que me resultaron útiles.


Hay muchos errores de ortografía, falta de letras, acentos, etc. pero nada que comprometa la lectura y su entendimiento.

Algunas imágenes no son cargadas en mi Kindle (Paperwhite 2), el autor nos pide para mirarlas, pero no hay imagen en algunas ocasiones. Además, el diccionario también no funcionó para este libro. No es un problema del Kindle, con otros libros funciona perfectamente. Sin embargo, aquí me quedé con el deseo de buscar una o otra palabra sin lograrlo.

Última palabra:

Si eres novato en Facebook (no sabe lo que son "me gusta", "compartir", la importancia de llenar la información personal, etc.), la primera parte del libro te será útil. Por otro lado, si ya sabes manejar Facebook, pero nunca has creado una página, la lectura puede ser interesante, informativa, aprenderás cosas interesantes con el libro. No obstante, si ya tienes tu página y sabes mirar estadísticas, promocionar publicaciones, si ya sabes el tipo de contenido que genera más participación (texto, imágenes, vídeos, etc.), la importancia de compartir y promocionar tu página, o más allá, si ya sabes agregar aplicaciones a tu página y customizarla, el libro poco te agregará.

8 días? Cualquiera puede finalizar la lectura en menos de 1 o 2 horas.

¡Saludos brasileños!


¡Ojalá que te sirva de algo!

¡Saludos brasileños!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Email bounce issues, possible causes

Hi all,

I have come across a community post which brings valuable information about bounce issues, based on the returned bounce messages. This is the content:

1. Mailbox Not Found, Invalid mailbox, User unknown:

    The e-mail address that you're sending to doesn't exist. Check your recipient's e-mail address. Either you have misspelled it or it's an old e-mail address that's no longer in use. You can double-check it with your recipient.

2. Mailbox unavailable:

    9 times out of 10, this is the same as "mailbox not found". That other 10% of the time it could mean that there's a problem with your recipients account. Check to make sure that you have the e-mail address correct, wait a while and try again. If it still bounces, try contacting the recipient some other way.

3. Mailbox full or Quote Exceeded:

    As what the error states, your recipient have too much message and the server hosting it isn't accepting any more. Contact your recipient through other means and advise him/her to clean up his/her mailbox.

4. Host unknown, Domain Lookup Failed:

    This means that the mail server you're attempting to send to (the "" part in the example above) doesn't exist. Make sure you type your recipient's e-mail address correctly. Another reason is when an ISP changes their name (like when "" changed their name to "". If you try to send a message to an old "" e-mail address, you might get this message in return.).

5. Message too large:

    The message that you are trying to send is too large or exceeds your recipient's mailbox limit.  This usually happens when the host of your recipient has a limit on the size of messages that they can receive. Reduce the size of your message. If you are trying to send a file, you may need to compress it using a file compression program, like WinZip. 

6. Temporary Errors (no adequate servers, Connection Timed Out, Resources temporarily unavailable, Out of memory):

    There's a problem with the mail server that you probably don't have any control over. As stated, these are temporary errors and should resolve themselves over time. Check the bounce message carefully because the mail server mentioned in it may continue to try to deliver your message without any action required on your part.

7. Blacklist Filters (errors that included the word "blocked" or "listed in" and references to sites that have things like "spamcop", "dynablock", "blackhole", "spamhaus" etc):

    This means that your message is intentionally blocked because the receiving system thinks that the mail server you're using is a source of spam. Contact the support team of recipient's e-mail provider and request to have your account or domain unblocked.


Source: Microsoft Community
Author: Lanie_P.